Welcome to Two Toad Farm

Since 2008, supporting the local food economy!

Lebanon, ME

2025 CSA shares are not on sale yet. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates. This will be our 17th year offering shares and not much has changed, so go ahead and read up about it all.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date!!! — Berwick Winter Market; and Seacoast Eat Local Wentworth Greenhouse Markets.

Winter Markets:

Berwick Winter Farmers’ Market:
*Second Sunday each Month through April
*Berwick Town Hall 10:- 1:00

SEL Wentworth Greenhouses:
*Select Saturdays 10:-2:00


Sanford Farmers’ Market: (starts May 06)
Saturdays, 8:am- Noon
**Downtown Central Park.

Portsmouth Farmers’ Market
Saturdays, 8:am- Noon
** Portsmouth City Hall

Kittery Community Market: (starts Jun 06 with bonus May 07 market)
Sundays, 10:am-2:pm
**Post Office Parking Lot

We have shares for everyone:

  • Summer Veggie Shares: Full and Half Shares
  • Marketshares: Get 20% free on anything we sell at ANY of our markets and farm stand in Lebanon.
  • Seedling CSA:  pre-planned garden– not available 2024

We have Full and Half Summer Vegetable Shares (15 pick ups) and Summer Marketshares (get 20% free on any of our products) available, AND HUMBLE LOAF SOURDOUGH ADD ON SHARES!!

SUMMER VEGETABLE SHARES: begin on Monday June 10 and ends Monday September 16. Share pick up is EVERY MONDAY at our farm stand on rt 202 in Lebanon, Maine. Pick up is from 4:30 to 6:30– RAIN OR SHINE OR HOLIDAY.
SUMMER MARKETSHARES: get you 20% free on anything we sell and are used at our farmers’ markets or our farm stand. Buy as many as you can use in the season.

FARM STAND Will be expanding hours for 2022!!!!  food for the people

(next to the Lebanon Post Office)