Our flexible and popular Marketshares are on sale NOW for 2024! (to avoid credit card fee, use signup form and mail with check)
Marketshares: Pay in advance and get 20% free when you shop at ANY of our summer Farmers’ Markets (see below) or at our Farm Stand on rt 202 in Lebanon.
This is an easy, low commitment option! For each $100.00** marketshare purchased before market starts, get $120.00 worth of any of our products at ANY of our summer markets including the Farm Stand. Vegetable CSA members often buy a marketshare or two so they can get the discount buying extras at CSA pickup up like eggs, meats, cheeses, pickles, maple syrup and more. Folks who like to shop at markets or the farm stand often buy two or three Marketshares (our single customer record is now 16 in one season!) so they don’t have to deal with money at market PLUS they get the 20% free deal. This option is great for those who want to support local agriculture, get a deal on great food, may travel during the regular CSA season, want to choose their own veggies as needed, and want to shop at different markets instead of joining a regular CSA. This option is also great for churches, food pantries, or other organizations that want to purchase local, organic food for other community members in need. *** Marketshares need to be used by the end of the season!***
Portsmouth Farmers’ Market: Saturdays 8: am- Noon
Sanford Farmers’ Market: Saturdays 8: am- Noon at Central Park- Main St. Sanford, Maine
Kittery Community Market: Sundays 10: am- 2:pm at the Kittery Post office, Kittery, Maine.